The #1 AI-Powered Digital Learning Platform

Launch and operate your programs, upskilling courses, and community-based learning spaces with Edumiro top-rated, AI-powered, and totally easy-to-use learning platform.


What's in Edumiro?

Everything you need to build great lessons.

Customizable Worksheets

Generate adaptive worksheets that cater to each student’s learning pace and style.


Real-Time Analytics

Track student progress with real-time insights to enhance learning outcomes.


Transparent and flexible options tailored to suit your needs.

Save 20%
per month
Ideal for individual users and hobby projects
GPT 3.5(turbo)
Unlimited syllabuses
Unlimited groups
Unlimited lesson modules
Unlimited lessons
Unlimited worksheets
100 Mb non-renewing storage
24/7 support for critical issues
per month
For growing businesses and medium-sized teams.
GPT 4o (Supports 27 languages)
AI Assistant
All modules unlimited
300 AI coins (monthly)
10 Gb storage (monthly)
24/7 support for critical issues
AI Worksheet Builder (Generate worksheets and elements with AI)
Members journal tracking
Unlimited tasks for lessons
per month
Tailored for large companies and enterprises.
GPT 4o (Supports 27 languages)
AI Assistant
All modules unlimited
Contact sales AI coins
Contact sales storage
24/7 support for critical issues
AI Worksheet Builder (Generate worksheets and elements with AI)
Members journal tracking
Unlimited tasks for lessons

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